The Dockside Boathouse is located at the meeting point between the three sides of the Cayuga Inlet, which is also frequently the site for regatta finish lines. The site is populated by a system of docks which line the inlet and extend its natural waterline, simultaneously acting as a tool of access to the water. To accommodate for the inflow of visitors at the site, the proposed boathouse is built upon additional docks which merge into a public walkway; the structure extends into the shallow parts of the inlet.

The building is informed by the functional nature of a dock, with movement being directed linearly from entrance to water, facilitating and celebrating access to the lake. The facility includes a boat storage, workshop, athletic center, and referee tower for rowing regattas. These spaces are articulated by a mezzanine level, which hosts part of the program or allows the public to walk through the boathouse without interrupting the athletes and shipbuilders. This strategic division of the space was inspired by an interview with the owner of the Finger Lakes Boating Center, which emphasized how critical proportions and mobility are in spaces that house large boats and heavy sports equipment (hence, the advantages of a mezzanine level).
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